Do I need auto insurance when my car loan is paid off?

Auto insurance is a requirement when you have an auto loan. Once you are out from under that monthly payment, you may think about how great it would be if you didn’t have to pay for insurance either. It may be a tempting thought, but it is not something that you can do. Like most other states. Florida has mandated insurance coverage that you are required to carry. At eAdvisorPro Property & Casualty LLC in Oakland Park, FL, we take our responsibility seriously to make sure our customers have the coverage that is required. 

In the state of Florida, drivers must have PIP at $10,000  and PDL at $10,000. PIP pays for injuries in an accident no matter who is at fault since Florida is a no-fault state. PDL pays for property damage caused by you or someone else driving your vehicle. 

No matter what else you are considering when it comes to auto insurance, you need to have the basic required amount. Now that you don’t have to maintain the collision and comprehensive coverage, you may think it sounds like a good idea not to keep it. While it is tempting to save money, it isn’t always a good idea. 

While you don’t need to keep your collision and comprehensive coverage, is it really a good idea to allow it to lapse? Not if you use your vehicle every day to maintain the daily activities of your life. Being able to repair or replace your vehicle is a hardship for most people. When you need your vehicle daily, protecting it is vital to your comfort. Only if your vehicle has very little value or you are financially able to replace it should you allow yourself to have basic coverage. 

In Oakland Park, FL, contact eAdvisorPro Property & Casualty LLC for all your auto insurance needs.