Florida Drivers: What to Do When You’re Involved in a Crash

Most of us have been there: you’re driving down the road, and out of nowhere, you’re involved in a car crash. Florida requires you to contact local law enforcement if the crash results in injury or death. The same requirement applies when the crash causes $500 (or more) damage to a vehicle or property.

Consulting eAdvisorPro Property & Casualty LLC

Florida’s drivers who need auto insurance should know that eAdvisorPro Property & Casualty LLC is ready to provide you with the best auto insurance policy. Our staff of professionals is available to answer your questions about Florida driving laws. Please call today at (800) 891-0515 or stop in at our Oakland Park, FL office.

Exchange Information

The first step after a crash is for both people to move their cars to a safe location. After that, both people should exchange insurance information and wait for a law enforcement officer to arrive. Before the officer leaves, they’ll tell you where to get a copy of the accident report.

If Injury is Involved

If the crash resulted in an injury, the Florida Financial Responsibility Law requires the at-fault driver to have full liability insurance at the time of the crash. If the at-fault driver doesn’t have coverage, they must buy and maintain liability insurance. Their insurance company must then submit proof of that insurance. They must also get a document from the other driver detailing the list of that driver’s injuries or damages.

At eAdvisor Pro Property & Casualty LLC, we’ll provide you with more than an insurance policy. Our experienced Oakland Park, FL agents are always prepared to address your concerns about auto insurance matters. Give us a call today, or get a quote through our website.